1. Mirmasu Ceramic Angel ($74 Value - Bid $__)2. Irish Nativity Figurines ($100 Value - Bid $80-bn SOLD)3. Kenya Stone Creche ($100 Value - Bid $__)4. Russian Creche ($75 Value - Bid $__)5. Mexican Wind Chimes ($60 Value - Bid $300-cb)6. Cute seven piece Creche ($50 Value - Bid $__)7. TERRA COTTA CRECHE ($75 Value - Bid $40-sa)8. Slovakia Creche ($50 Value - Bid $__)9. Ceramic Nativity Music Box ($100 Value - Bid $__)10. India Wood Block Stamp Nativity ($76 Value - Bid $__)11. Hawaii Creche ($40 Value - Bid $__)12. Sixteen Inch Polyresin Praying Angel ($120 Value - Bid $__)13. Porcelain Angel ($70 Value - Bid $__)14. Carved and Painted Angel ($50 Value - Bid $__)15. Rabbit Angel ($30 Value - Bid $2,030-tf)16. Stained Glass Angel ($30 Value - Bid $10-lf)17. Hand Spun Glass Angel ($30 Value - Bid $__)18. Modern Sassy Angel Candel Holder ($30 Value - Bid $__)19. Set Hand Carved Angel ($100 Value - Bid $15-lf)20. Large Wall Hanging Angel ($60 Value - Bid $__)21. Angels from Chile ($40 Value - Bid $__)22. Rattan Angel ($30 Value - Bid $__)23. Irish Fine Bone China Angel ($75 Value - Bid $__)24. Italian Angels ($100 Value - Bid $__)25. Music Angels ($75 Value - Bid $__)26. Blue Angel ($40 Value - Bid $__)27. Clown ($40 Value - Bid $__)28. Praise by Reco Korea ($80 Value - Bid $__)29. Gloria Banner Hanging Angel ($30 Value - Bid $__)30. Wire Angel With Candel Holder ($30 Value - Bid $__)31. Nineteen Inch Carved Angel ($30 Value - Bid $25-lf)32. Creche on Driftwood ($40 Value - Bid $20-rs)34. Hummel Madonna & Child ($218 Value - Bid $__)35. Old Mexico Tin Creche ($60 Value - Bid $__)36. African Wood Carved Creche ($75 Value - Bid $50-mf)37. Chile Blue Bottle Creche ($80 Value - Bid $25-lf)38. Guatamalan Creche ($35 Value - Bid $__)39. Lennox Creche of Twelve ($1,000 Value - Bid $400-gd)40. Holy Family with Matching Angels ($150 Value - Bid $__)41. Zulu Nativity Creche ($75 Value - Bid $45-mf)42. Arizona Creche with Blanket ($60 Value - Bid $25-dg)43. Italian Madonna & Child Portrait ($75 Value - Bid $40-bn)44. Swedish Hand print Wall Hanging ($60 Value - Bid $15)46. Glass Creche Set ($110 Value - Bid $__)47. Alaskan Creche ($50 Value - Bid $__)48. Stone Manger Creche ($50 Value - Bid $__)49. Congo by Ten Thousand Villages Creche ($142 Value - Bid $25-ae)50. Christmas Corn Dolls Creche ($225 Value - Bid $50-ts)51. African Native Husk Creshe ()52. Arizona Tile Creche ($50 Value - Bid $__)53. Apalachin Mountains Creche ($30 Value - Bid $__)54. Goebel Hummel Creche ($150 Value - Bid $__)55. Adoration Reco Angel ($80 Value - Bid $25-sa)56. Bethlehem Olive Wood Creche ($50 Value - Bid $25-kz)57. Isabel Bloom Concrete Creche ($300 Value - Bid $25)58. Phillipean Tin Angels ($40 Value - Bid $__)59. Oberramergau Germany wood Creche ($150 Value - Bid $150-cl)60. Straw Angels ($30 Value - Bid $__)61. Corn Husk Angel ($30 Value - Bid $__)62. Carved Wood Horn Playing Angel ($70 Value - Bid $__)63. USA Straw Angel ($30 Value - Bid $__)64. Porcelain & Clothed Angel ($140 Value - Bid $__)65. Two Mexican Clay Angels ($30 Value - Bid $__)66. Copper Wire Angel ($30 Value - Bid $__)67. Eden's Angel Mother's Love ($35 Value - Bid $100-kb)68. SFRRV Russian Blown Glass Miniature Creche ($25 Value - Bid $15-lf)69. Brass minature Creche ($60 Value - Bid $__)70. Ecuador Miniature Clay Angels ($25 Value - Bid $10)71a. Nativity Blue Egg Creche ($70 Value - Bid $100-dl)71b. Peru Nativity Egg ($40 Value - Bid $__)72a. Three Tiny Wooden Creche and Nativity Angels ($30 Value - Bid $__)72b. Minature tranparent Egg Creche ($20 Value - Bid $__)73. Ganz A Child is Born Creche ($40 Value - Bid $__)74. El Salvador Wood Magnet Creche ($10 Value - Bid $__)75. Small equador Cane Weave Creche ($25 Value - Bid $__)76. Arizona Blue 13 Piece Creche ($60 Value - Bid $25-ce)77. Kenya Blue Angel Stone ($75 Value - Bid $__)78. Mikasa Large Crystal Creche ($300 Value - Bid $100-kz)79. Joseph and Mary Straw Figures ($35 Value - Bid $15-sk)80. Mexican Ceramic Nativity ($40 Value - Bid $__)81. Three Golden Metal Kings ($50 Value - Bid $10-lf)82. Nativity Creche Wood Puzzle ($50 Value - Bid $30-vp)83. Tall Straw Angel ($20 Value - Bid $__)84. Kenya Hand-Carved Creche ($80 Value - Bid $100-dl)85. Aqua Copper Wire Angels ($35 Value - Bid $__)87. Pueblo Clay Creche ($75 Value - Bid $25-ce)
Angel and Nativity Creche Auction

Out of State Bids Welcome - Contact for info on Proxi Bids and Instant Auctions

The Angel and Nativity Creche items displayed here are being offered for sale at the request
of donor Doris Fraser.  She graciously has gifted Amani with her collection obtained in
world travels over the years.  Her desire is that the funds raised by the sales of these figurine
sets will be directed in total to the Amani Development Organization in support of programs in
Tanzania, Africa.  These are single items, one of each kind.  Please submit a bid to purchase
one or more of these unique treasures and help the folks in central Tanzania!

We have posted an estimated value for each item along with the current bid and bidder's initials.  We encourage anyone interested in an item to submit a bid by contacting Ralph Spence ralphspence@gmail.com with your name, contact info, item number and bid. The highest bid will become the minimum at the Welcome Back Party planned for Saturday, October 23rd for any item that is not sold by an "Instant Auction."  If there are no higher bids at that time, the item is yours.  Bids will be updated every Friday until the party.

We can provide "Proxi Bidding" at the party or, until October 20th, you can request an "Instant Auction" when submitting a bid that is 80% of full "Value".  With an "Instant Auction", all who have bid on the item will be given one chance (from lowest to highest bidder) to increase the bid at least $5. The "Instant Auction" bidder will be given the last opportunity to raise. (contact about shipping charges)

Hold the cursor over each item to see details and the current bid, click to enlarge.  
Amani Care for Africa

Working closely with communities in rural central Tanzania to establish and sustain:
Water Resources, Agriculture & Forestry Development, Education, Health and Nutritian
Contact Ralph Spence ralphspence@gmail.com with any questions.

Information on the October 23rd  Welcome Back Party for Fr. John

Current Items with Bids
  #7 - $40 (sa)
  #2 - $80 (bn) SOLD
  #5 - $300 (cb)
#15 - $2,030 (tf)
#16 - $10 (lf)
#19 - $15 (lf)
#31 - $25 (lf)
#32 - $20 (rs)
#36 - $50 (mf)
#37 - $25 (lf)
#39 - $400 (gd)

#41 - $45 (mf)
#42 - $25 (dg)
#43 - $40 (bn)
#44 - $15 (lf)
#49 - $25 (ae)
#50 - $50 (ts)
#51 - $25 (de)
#55 - $25 (sa)
#56 - $25 (kz)
#57 - $25 (dg)
#59 - $150 (cl)

#67 - $100 (kb)
#68 - $15 (lf)
#70 - $10 (lf)
#71a - $100 (dl)
#76 - $25 (ce)
#78 - $100 (kz)
#79 - $15 (sk)
#81 - $10 (lf)
#82 - $30 (vp)
#84 - $100 (dl)
#87 - $25 (ce)
The Party and Auction are over
and were a great success! All items
received a bid and were sold.
Thanks to all who submitted bids
and supported the work of Amani!