Welcome Back Party for Fr. John
Welcome Back Party for Fr. John
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
The Billings Hotel and Convention Center

5:30 pm - No Host cocktails - Complimentary Wine at Table
    Begin Silent Auction - Including:
  International Angels & Creches - click here to Bid now

6:30 pm - Seated Dinner

7:30 pm - Remarks from Fr, John Naumann
    Director of the Amani Development Organization
   Makang'wa, Tanzania - Africa  
8:00 pm - "Heads or Tails" for Mike Capser painting - see his work

8:15 pm - Music by the Craig Olson Orchestra
   Featuring - Standards, 60's Rock & Roll, Jazz, Blues,
                  Latin, Ballroom, and Country

9:30 pm -  End Silent Auction

11:00 pm - Last Dance
Benefitting the Amani for Africa USA Foundation
Working closely with communities in rural central Tanzania to establish and sustain: 
Water Resources, Agricultural & Forestry Development, Education, Health and Nutrition

  $40 for Individual Party/Dinner Tickets
$300 to be a Party Sponsor (tickets extra)
$600 to be a Party Sponsor and reserve a table for 8

Reserve your tickets or tables by Monday, October 18th
Call Deanna at: 245-9424      (send a check or pay online)
For information e-mail: info.amaniusa@gmail.com

Party Sponsors:
Loretta & George Day - Doris Fraser - Doris & Steve Gerstner - Vada Pitchford -
Melinda & John Middleton - Denise & Lee Scherer - Tancy & Ralph Spence -
Kathy & Mac Stevens - Cathy Lease, Karen Gehrke, Sherrill Kovacich -
St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation - Dave Hagstrom - Anne & Bill Cole -
Tammy & Kelly Clinch - Mary & Tom Anderson - Joan & Bill Wilson -
Julie & Summerfield Baldridge - Martha & Enrico Arguelles

Hosted by the Amani for Africa USA Foundation Board:
George Day - Colleen Edgerton - Doris Gerstner - Fr. John Naumann -
Vada Pitchford - Ralph Spence - Mac Stevens

For more information see the Amani Web Pages - www.amanicare.org

Click "Online Auction" to bid or initiate an "Instant Auction" before the party.
If you cannot attend, please consider a bid or donation to support Fr. John's efforts.

You are cordially invited to join us for food, fun and dancing at the